Association of Cedarbrook Camps
Module Schedule

Distance Education Schedule 2023

If there is a group of four or more learners who would like to take a module at a different time, please advise the Module Administrator who will arrange for the requested module to be run if a facilitator is available.

Click here to learn more about the Servant Leader Training (SLT) Track.

A+ ActivitiesX
 Bible ExplorationXX
 Bible Study MethodsX
Building a Board MemberX
 Cabin FunX
 Campfire MessagesX
 Counselor PotpourriX
 Dining OUT CookingX
 Dining OUT PlanningX
DIY Health CareXX
 Effective MeetingsX
 Essentials of SalvationX
Follow UpX
LEGO® PhilosophyX
Lemonade FinancialsX
Nature ExplorationX
One-Size Doesn’t Fit AllX
Outcome AssessmentXX
Singing, Camp StyleX
Softly and For Their GoodX
Teaching NatureX
The 3-D DDX
2023 Series Start Dates
 Series Mary Had a … Modules
 January  Mon., January 9, 2023 Mon., January 16, 2023
 February Mon., February 27, 2023 Mon., March 6, 2023
 April Mon., April 10, 2023 Mon., April 17, 2023

Module Descriptions
(updated September 2015)

Mary Had a …A light-hearted introduction to a discussion manager -1 hour or less
The learner will be able to log on, use the discussion manager program, retrieve information from a website, read prompts, read and send messages. Note: This is an orientation module for first time participants only.

A+ ActivitiesDoing them well, and for the right reasons – 26 days
The learner will be able to explain how activities fit our philosophy; choose and structure activities accordingly; research sources; learn to prepare thoroughly; write a good lesson plan; carry out that plan and complete paperwork.

Bible ExplorationRooted and grounded – 29 days
The learner will be able to prepare and lead Bible Exploration, adapting to camper needs and provided materials, while being rooted in scripture.

Bible Study Methods Various methods to use in studying scripture–63 days
Learners will practice the inductive method of Bible study as well as word and character studies and use what they are learning to prepare comments that could be used for Bible Exploration, devotions or a campfire message.

Building a Board MemberThe basics, one piece at a time – 27 days
The learner will explore the functions of a board and its members and thus be enabled to be a more productive member.

Cabin FunBeing prepared, rain or shine – 22 days
The learner will plan a week’s worth of cabin time, will develop a variety of ideas while allowing for weather changes and camper input and decision making.

Campfire MessagesResearch, preparation and delivery – 27 days
The learner will be able to choose an appropriate topic and method for a campfire message, know how to research the topic and how to effectively deliver it.

Counselor PotpourriA little of this; a little of that – 28 days
The learner will go through eleven short topics from cabin unity, to rest hour, to being ready for camper registration day.

Dining OUT Planning How to plan a successful cookout – 22 days
The learner will be able to plan an appropriate menu, fill out a cookout requisition, order the right amount of food and supplies, and divide up the jobs among participants.  Learners will look at menus appropriate for various age groups.

Dining OUT Cooking Practice cooking it all now! – 23 days
The learner will become comfortable with a variety of cookout recipes by practicing them at home.

DIY Health CareWhat staff need to know about health care – 24 days
The learner will be introduced to basic healthcare and first aid covering bites, cuts, burns breathing and cardiac emergencies, homesickness and sensitive issues of mental health.

Effective MeetingsMaking the Most of Meetings – 19 days
The learner will be able to explain the components of an effective meeting, relate them to camp staff meetings, committee and board meetings, and be able to apply them to their own meeting attendance and participation.

Essentials of SalvationThe “bare bones” of salvation – 28 days
The learner will identify the essential elements of salvation, memorize a few key scriptures, and write steps for leading a child to Christ in their own words. This personal list will be put into permanent form for ready use.

Follow Up Planning for year-round camper follow up – 24 days
The learner will be able to discuss the varying needs of campers for spiritual follow up, learn about and evaluate available methods and materials, research what their camp is currently doing, and brainstorm for improvements.

LEGO® PhilosophyAn unusual introduction to camp philosophy – 22 days
The learner will be able to explain how to develop a philosophy, list the four goals, and apply these to camp programming.

Lemonade FinancialsDemystifying financial statements – 22 days
The learner will be able to define the terminology used in camp financial statements, be able to explain the various types of financial statements, be able to answer questions and interpret data on camp financial statements.

Nature ExplorationLearn by Looking – 25 days
The learner will investigate differences in a small sampling of leaves, birds, insects, reptiles and tracks and scats in order to be able to lead a camper group in enjoying nature.  Terminology and names will be included, but are not the goal.

One-Size Doesn’t Fit AllHow to plan camp programming that fits the camper – 28 days
The learner will use their newly acquired knowledge about how children and youth develop to make appropriate changes in the camp program to make the camp experience more developmentally appropriate for all campers.

Outcome AssessmentHow to show that we have reached our goals – 23 days
The learner will be able to explain Cedarbrook goals, outcomes and inputs and will know how they are emphasized each year, how they are assessed and become a capable participant in the evaluation process.

SAAK (Speak and Act Kindly)Words hurt, so do actions – 26 days
The learner will be able to explain why words and actions hurt, give examples of types of hurt, relate this to biblical and Cedarbrook beliefs, and develop positive plans to limit this abuse at camp.

Singing, Camp StyleMusic with a purpose – 24 days
The learner will be able to explain the various uses of music in a camp, know when to use a songfest, when not to use one, and how to plan one using appropriate songs properly arranged, with a theme and transitional statements.

Softly and For Their GoodAn approach to discipline – 22 days
The learner will be able to explain the “Softly, and For Their Good” concept of discipline, relate it to the Bible and camp philosophy, and be able to apply it to various written scenarios.

Teaching Nature – Explore a variety of methods – 29 days
The learner will examine a variety of methods for teaching nature and prepare either a lesson plan or plan for a nature center.

The 3-D DDDivision Director – A three-dimensional role – 33 days
The learners will be able to explain a DDs “upward” role to the administration, their “downward” role to their counselors and their “around” role to campers. They will understand the need for communication with administration and will know how to encourage and discipline both counselors and campers.

NOTE:  if this is the first time you are taking a module, the recommended time for each project is usually between 30 and 60 minutes.  In addition, you will need at least 30 minutes to read the other learners’ responses and write back to at least three of them.

© 2009-2023 Association of Cedarbrook Camps